Every time I order hay, the bales weigh a different amount, even on the same load.   Many factors can influence the answer, including hay species, density, moisture content – all

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If you own a horse, proper hay storage is essential for keeping your animal healthy and happy. Not only does storing hay correctly help prevent mold and other contaminants from

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Alfalfa cubes and hay flakes are the most common feeding methods most people use for horses. Both sustain the horses, and they keep them fed and healthy. However, when you

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Horses and carrots go together like peanut butter and jelly. But sometimes, you open up the fridge to find emptiness staring back and require a plan B. Also, it’s fun

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As many farm animals love eating corn and get it as a part of their daily feed, you may also consider feeding your horses corn. Moreover, you may want to

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On some level, horses and humans are alike. We both like a sweet treat now and again. Although the sweet treat for humans and horses differ widely (no chocolate for

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